Tuesday, August 22, 2006

A Band in Creation

A concept of an Indie-geared rock band based in Bend was created last night by three aspiring musicians.

I attended a meet-n-greet event with two potential band members last night at Deschutes Brewery's pub downtown Bend. I was a little nervous. I think we all get a little jumpy meeting new folks, especially people who we don't know what they look like. I'm a nervous chatter, meaning I have a tendency to talk a lot and very fast.

They both arrived and we chatted about ourselves for a bit, explaining where we are from, what we're about and what our music history is. So, we're going for it! Two male acoustic guitarist/backing vocalist with a female lead singer/songwriter. We all agreed to start off with a couple covers to find out how we work with each other. As of right now we're going to practice unamplified, without a drummer. We're going start off with a harmony approach.

If things work out we've go a long road ahead, developing our sound, adding a drummer, maybe keys and everything else that makes a band, which is a helluva-lot.


Blogger Jen said...

Congratulations and good luck!!!

August 22, 2006  

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