Thursday, August 31, 2006

Kino Eye

My all time favorite documentary was released in the 1920's in Russia. Man with a Movie Camera is an extraordinary film essay by Dziga Vertov, revealing a very unique look at Russian life, demonstrating the magic of film making and suggests its revolution would destroy stage performance.

Today the music is recomposed by a group of performers who play music while the silent film plays on screen, the same way it was done in the 1920's when film didn't have a soundtrack.

The Alloy Orchestra recomposed the original musical score with modern synthesizer sounds and grooves, sparking a very original soundtrack. They have an unusual combination of percussion and state-of-the-art electronics, giving the Orchestra the ability to create any sound imaginable. Utilizing a "rack of junk" and electronic synthesizers, the group generates beautiful music in a spectacular variety of styles.

I'm inspired by their approach and would like to cover one of their songs in the future.


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